Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Magazines and tea

Yesterday I received a postpackage from the Netherlands with some very usefull things. For starters, it contained the powercabel for my new laptop-with-a-flat-battery. No need to elaborate on that one. I was also very pleased with the Dutch liquorice, or 'dropjes'. Although I hardly ever eat 'drop' at home, having more of a savoury tooth, here they all of a sudden give me that homey feeling. The best things in there though were 1. really good redbush tea with fruit and 2. Dutch magazines. Sorry to be the one to tell you this, but Ozzies have no clue about either of these items. The teas here are either very black and need a lot of diluting with milk to come close to being drinkable, or they are fruity infusions which are always sort of sour. The best I discovered so far is the green Chai tea, which also needs milk. Pickwick in the Netherlands on the other hand makes nice lightly coloured fresh tasting teas, which even got my English coffee loving friend Julie on to drinking tea. Well, have to be very careful with this one package, so I'm afraid you cannot stop by and sample it. ;-p
Never thought much about the magazines before. I mean, they were there and I read them, until we left. Here in Oz I haven't found any women's magazines so far that are not either about celebs, beauty or kids. All of them subjects I'm not particularly interested in, to tell you the truth. So I have rationed myself now to one magazine every few days, in order to enjoy the Esta's and Viva's for as long as possible. Thanks so much Martine, for sending my some FUN! J

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Wintery birthday

It was very very strange having my birthday in the middle of winter instead of in the middle of summer, as I'm used too. The night before it was freezing cold and I didn't sleep much, due to the horrible effect an airbed has on your bodytemperature if the floor is cold. Daytime was fine though: spend the afternoon sitting outside in the sun with my husbands parents, eating applepie. Had lots of phonecalls and e-mails and even postcards, so I don't feel forgotten although I'm on the other side of the world now. People love me, fantastic! ;-)

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


For the first time in many many years I bought a pair of pj's today. Unbelievable though: we move from a cold rainy country as the Netherlands to sunny Oz and need night clothing. This morning the pegs were frozen stuck to the drying lines! They are pink too, considering if you have to be square you might as well be as square as possible. I'll look like a big pink elephant no doubt, so I'll have to warn my love that it is just me and not some delirious vision, brought about by to many beers.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Apparently I did something wrong with the settings, because this log still doesn't show up as 'recently changed'. Hope that is the reason I have not noticed anyone reading this yet. Thought it wouldn't matter, but it does. I need some feedback to get inspired. Have to work on that one.

Not much news anyway. I'm working on an educational book, which is fun, but very demanding. Hope we'll make the deadline in October! So, between working on the book and walking to the library, nothing much happening. Only inside my head ..... ;-)

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


We don't have a bed yet, just mattresses on the floor. I've slept like that for years in the Netherlands and never had a problem. Now within 1 week, the mattress was soaking wet (probably also due to my illness and the profuse sweating caused by it, yuk) and starting to get mouldy! And of course it is raining today, so no chance of putting it in the sun. Been trying to get it dry before the gas heater. Hope it works. No idea if you have to treat it with special anti-mould stuff or anything. Bummer.

Monday, July 04, 2005


Nothing as bad as being sick in a strange country, far away from you mother. Pretty childish huh? But still. Everything is different here. Going to a new doctor. Having to pay right away when you leave. Not quite understanding the way healthcare works here. Feeling very sick and miserable. Yesterday was definitely not my best day so far. Although it was nice that our cousin straight away came to take me to the doctor. And gave me some motherly advice. That helps. A little.